Open source desktop publishing at your fingertips
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NSpellerNested namespaces to allow different interfaces to different spell-checking engines
 CAboutPluginsDisplays info about pligins. This class implements only the non-GUI parts of the About Plug-ins dialog. Please use Qt Designer on aboutpluginsbase.ui if you need to modify the layout, widget properties, etc
 CAIPlugAdobe Illustrator importer plugin
 CAlignDistributePaletteAlign/Distribute palette
 CAspellPluginSee scplugin.h and pluginmanager.{cpp,h} for detail on what these methods do. That documentatation is not duplicated here. Please don't implement the functionality of your plugin here; do that in aspellpluginimpl.h and aspellpluginimpl.cpp
 CAspellPluginImplImplementation of plugin. GUI part is derived from AspellPluginBase class, as aspellpluginbase.{cpp,h} get overwritten by uic. Interface to aspell uses Speller::Aspell::Suggest
 CBarcodeScribus interface to the Barcode Generator
 CBarcodeGeneratorActive tasts for BC GUI. It's inherited from BarcodeGeneratorBase() class which is created by uic from designer. Don't change anything in BarcodeGeneratorBase manually! It will be overwritten automatically by uic
 CBarcodeTypeOne Barcode Entity
 CBookmarkParser2XML parsef for documantation bookmarks. This is small helper class which reads saved bookmarks configuration from ~/.scribus/doc/bookmarks.xml file. The reference to QListView *view is a reference to the list view with bookmarks
 CBookMItemTree widget item for PDF Bookmarks. Secret items like Pare, First, Last etc. are PDF Outlines attributes. See PDF specification for more info. These attrs are recomputed in the BookMView::rebuildTree() method
 CBookMViewTree widget for PDF Bookmarks. It's a minimal tree implementation with D'n'D handled in Qt4 itself. It could be rewritten into M/V/C stuff later, but it looks it's simpler and quicker now. MarkMoved() signal stores bookmarks in the ScribusDoc
 CBookPaletteA Bookmark Palette
 CbufferBinary buffer
 CCDecoderPGF decoder
 CCdrPlugCDR importer plugin
 CCEncoderPGF encoder
 CCgmPlugCgm importer plugin
 CCharSelectCharacter Palette for direct glyphs inserting. The "classical" one is opened as CharSelectEnhanced instance. Both CharSelect/CharSelectEnhanced palettes are split due: 1) initial and usage performace. The CharSelectEnhanced is too slow to load on startup/doc opening etc. The memory footprint is much smaller too. 2) It was one dialog before split. To show/hide "enhanced" part caused serious mess with layouts and dialog sizes and positioning. Now it's handled in standard way
 CCharSelectEnhancedCharacter Palette for batch glyphs inserting. Enhanced instance is created/destroyed on every call from CharSelect to improve internal performace
 CCharTableModelA model (MVC) to handle unicode characters map. It's a backend for CharTableView - its GUI representation
 CCharTableViewA visual widget for displaying the unicode glyphs map. setAcceptDrops() note: It sets the right-button behaviour too. It enables delete popup menu when e is true instead of larger preview dialog. The idea: When user can drop items into it, he could want to delete it too
 CCharZoom"A magnifying glass" dialog for CharTableView cell
 CCheckDocumentPreflight Verifier GUI (P.V.) A tool to check document for errors (in P.V. profiles) which can be set up in Preferences dialog
 CCollectForOutputPerforms "Collect for Output" tasks. collect() method copies the document, fonts and images into user defined directory. QObject inheritance mainly due moc speedup and tr() methods
 CColorComboCombo box for displaying list of colors
 CColorListBoxVery nice list box with color names and samples. It's inherited from QListBox with all its methods and properties. I create it as separate class because it's used now in ColorManager and ColorWheel too. You can see it in Extras/Color Wheel or in Edit/Colors dialogs in action
 CColorWheelWidget ColorWheel graphically shows a color wheel for color theory. Class ColorWheel is new widget inherited from the QLabel. See e.g. for more info
 CColorWheelPluginThis is a simple "Color Theory" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later. Harmonious colors are colors that work well together, that produce a color scheme that looks attractive; the color wheel can be used as a valuable tool for determining harmonious colors. More on:
 CCommonStringsA simple common strings class to reduce the string count and ease the translation process a little
 CCPGFFileStreamFile stream class
 CCPGFImagePGF main class
 CCPGFMemoryStreamMemory stream class
 CCPGFStreamAbstract stream base class
 CCRoiIndicesROI indices
 CCSubbandWavelet channel class
 CCustomFDialogA Scribus own file dialog. Used almost everywhere. You can see extension handling in e.g. bool SVGExportPlugin::run(QString filename)
 CCvgPlugCvg importer plugin
 CCWaveletTransformPGF wavelet transform
 CCWDialogGUI dialog for Color Wheel Plugin. Quite everything in this class is self explanatory (except few things ;))
 CDeferredTaskDeferredTask is an abstraction of a generally long-running operation that is done in small steps under the control of the event loop. It is an abstract class that provides a common interface for such tasks, but cannot be used directly
 Cdoc_record0PDB Document record. 16 bytes total
 CDocInfosNow part of the ReformDoc multi widgets storage. See reformdoc.h as reference. The return values are handled via. getDocInfo() method. It can be used as standalone widget
 CDocPreferencesA class to represent the necessary preferences from Resources/Preferences.xml in the idml package. These values will be used as default if the attribute value returned is null. Hence, every element in the above defined structures are QString type, which will be converted to their natives types while assigning it to the Scribus native objects!
 CDocumentCheckerIt create a error/warning list for CheckDocument GUI class. All errors and/or warnings are stored in errorCodes (inheritted QMap see scribusstructs.h) and parsed into tree view in CheckDocument widgets
 CDrwPlugDrw importer plugin
 CEPSPlugPOSTSCRIPT importer plugin
 CExportBitmapHandles export
 CFhPlugFH importer plugin
 CFileSearchA class to do a depth-first search for a file in a directory tree efficiently and safely (I hope). The class is fire and forget, letting you get on with other things and take action when you're informed that the search is complete. A FileSearch is single use
 CFontListModelModel for font views. It contains quite all informations about fonts available to display in Qt4 views. It's suggested to use custom FontListView
 CFontListViewA table view for FontListModel. Customized QTableView to handle FontListModel in the unified way (look and feel)
 CFontPreviewMain window for "Font Preview" plugin. It's only gui. Constructs a FontPreview as a child of 'parent', with the name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to true to construct a modal dialog
 CFPointA point with floating point precision
 CFRectDefines a rectangle in the plane
 CFSizeDefines the size of a two-dimensional object
 CFtFaceBase Class FtFace provides an ScFace private implementation for Freetype based fonts. Subclasses are ScFace_ps and ScFace_ttf
 CgtFileDialogEnhanced file dialog for get-text plugins This class is separated from gtdialogs.h file due the huge (almost) circle dependencies with fonts subdir/library
 CGuideManagerGuideManager is the dialog for guides managing ;). It's scribus non-modal palette now
 CGuideManagerCoreCore manipulation with the guides. Basic idea:
 CGuideManagerIOA separate clas for Guides IO operations in reading or closing the documents
 CGuidesDelegateA delegate/editor for guides model. It's based on the ScrSpinBox widget. User cannot enter any others (ugly and bad) values
 CGuidesHDelegateA delegate for horizontal guides model/view. Limit guides for page height
 CGuidesModelA model for guides lists. It holds guides as a double QList (it will be expanded later because of RFEs) and it handles its values editing too. The editor from GuidesDelegate is used. See Qt4 documentation for more info about its methods. FIXME: unit conversions for dipslay vs. internal
 CGuidesVDelegateA delegate for vertical guides model/view. Limit guides for page width
 CGuidesViewA view for guides list. It appends only the "Delete" key handling as for issue #7765 to the QTableView
 Chistd2A structure holding title/file url reference
 CHistoryParser2XML parsef for documantation history. This is small helper class which reads saved bookmarks configuration from ~/.scribus/doc/history.xml file. The reference to historyBrowser is a reference to the dialog
 CHrulerHorizontal ruler
 CHTMLReaderParse and import a HTML file. Supported tags: P, CENTER, BR, A, UL, OL, LI, H1, H2, H3, H4, B, STRONG, I, EM, CODE, BODY, PRE, IMG, SUB, SUP, DEL, INS, U, DIV
 CHunspellPluginSee scplugin.h and pluginmanager.{cpp,h} for detail on what these methods do. That documentatation is not duplicated here. Please don't implement the functionality of your plugin here; do that in mypluginimpl.h and mypluginimpl.cpp
 CIconManagerManage Scribus icons here, and here alone
 CIdmlPlugIdml importer plugin
 CIOExceptionPGF exception
 CLensEffectsPluginThis is a simple "Lens Effects" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CLinkedFrom ols scribusXml
 CLoadSavePluginSuperclass for all file import/export/load/save plugins
 CLoremManagerThis module provides simple interface to the various Lorem Ipsum variants. Scribus LI are stored in the set of XML files. The file has followind structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?> <lorem> <name>name to display</name> <author>person name</author> <url>web interface</url> <p>text</p> <p>...</p> </lorem> Files are in UTF8 encoding
 CLoremParserXML parser for Lorem Ipsum file. This helper class reads one file
 CMarginDialogA dialog to setup the existing document margins. In modal mode called from void ScribusMainWindow::changePageProperties()
 CMarginStructPagemargins and bleeds
 CMarginWidgetWidget for Margins setting. Used e.g. in "New Doc Dialog" or "Preferences"
 CMeshDistortionPluginThis is a simple "MeshDistortion" plugin for Scribus 1.3.5 and later
 CMSpinBoxEnthanced QSpinBox
 CMyPluginSee scplugin.h and pluginmanager.{cpp,h} for detail on what these methods do. That documentatation is not duplicated here. Please don't implement the functionality of your plugin here; do that in mypluginimpl.h and mypluginimpl.cpp
 CPageItem_LatexFrameDisplays all kinds of content generated by external programs. Named LatexFrame because it initally only showed the output of Latex
 CPageLayoutsA widget for changing pages layout. User can change layouts on-the-fly changing widget's comboboxes
 CPageListWidgetA widget containing pages layout schema
 CPagePalette_MasterPagesA dialog to manage/edit Master Pages
 CPathAlongPathPluginThis is a simple "PathAlongPath" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CPathConnectPluginThis is a simple "Path Connect" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CPathCutPluginThis is a simple "Path Cutter" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CPathFinderPluginThis is a simple "Path Finder" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CPathStrokerPluginThis is a simple "Path Stroker" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CPctPlugPct (Mac Pict) importer plugin
 Cpdb_headerPDB document header version 2 bytes 0x0002 if data is compressed, 0x0001 if uncompressed spare 2 bytes purpose unknown (set to 0 on creation) length 4 bytes total length of text before compression records 2 bytes number of text records record_size 2 bytes maximum size of each record (usually 4096; see below) position 4 bytes currently viewed position in the document sizes 2*records bytes record size array 78 bytes total
 CPdbImAn import filter for Palm Documents (PDB files). PDB documents are simple non-formatted texts in binary forms used mainly for e-books distribution. It's taken from Abiword's PDB import/export plugin I've simplified the importer guts to fit special Scribus needs
 CPDFExportDialogPDF export dialog
 CPDFOptionsPDF Options struture. Capable of verifying its self, but otherwise largely a dumb struct
 CPDFOptionsIOHelper class for reading/writing PDFOptions
 CPdfPlugPDF importer plugin
 CPGFHeaderPGF header
 CPGFMagicVersionPGF identification and version
 CPGFPostHeaderOptional PGF post-header
 CPGFPreHeaderPGF pre-header
 CPicSearchDialog for selecting one of all images founded. It's called after image search Extras/Manage Pictures/ Click [Search] button for chosen image frame item
 CPicStatusConstructs a Dialog, which list all Images in the current Document. In this Dialog it is possible to search for missing Images
 CPictureBrowserPluginSee scplugin.h and pluginmanager.{cpp,h} for detail on what these methods do. That documentatation is not duplicated here. Please don't implement the functionality of your plugin here; do that in mypluginimpl.h and mypluginimpl.cpp
 CPluginManagerPluginManager handles plugin loading, unloading, and running
 CPluginManagerPrefsGuiA GUI preferences interface for enabling/disabling plugins
 CPluginManagerTableItemNon editable QTableWidgetItem
 CPluginPrefsTableItemNon editable QTableWidgetItem
 CPmPlugPM importer plugin
 CPPreviewPrint Preview dialog
 CPreferencesDialogThe Scribus Preferences Dialog
 CPrefsManagerManage Scribus preferences here, and here alone Start to move the preferences out of scribus.cpp and provide some more features and hide some of the data within this class TODO Move prefsFile in here from scribus.cpp and stop passing it in for convertOldPreferences TODO Lots more :)
 CPrefsPanelA base class for all preferences panels
 CPresetLayoutThis is inherited QComboBox widget used in MarginWidget as "Preset List". It contains functionality for margins setting in various ways
 CPStyleRangeStuct PStyleRange will hold the values of all those attributes/elements which can occur in the ParagraphStyleRange in a Story. Since it can contain any number of CharacterStyleRange elements as its children, we use a list to store all of them
 CPubPlugPUB importer plugin
 CPythonConsoleThis is simple "IDE"/python console for interactive commands execution. It's used e.g. like Tora (SQLnavigator) console. Sample: highlight some code, press F9, then see the results
 CQString_from_python_str_or_unicodeBoost::Python type converter for Python `unicode' or `str' to QString
 CQString_to_python_unicodeBoost::Python type converter for QString to Python `unicode' object
 CQtIOCompressorQIODevice that compresses data streams
 CROIBlockHeaderBlock header used with ROI coding scheme
 CRunScriptDialogSelect a python script for execution
 CSampleItemProvides sample "text frame" as pixmap. You can create a pixmap with standard Scribus text frame here. It can be used as a kind of preview
 CScActionPluginA plug-in that performs a single action
 CScComboBoxAlways uses a listbox instead of a popup, independent of any QStyle
 CScFaceBase Class ScFace : This is a total rewrite of the old Foi class
 CScFileWidgetSimple wrapper simulating the QFileDialog as a common widget. Usage is simple - everything is like in QFileDialog except it is not a dialog, it's a widget. It can be used for extension features etc
 CSCFontsMain class SCFonts. Subclass of QDict<ScFace>. This class replaces the previous SCFonts typedef, and is nearly as convenient. The chief difference from the application point of view is that while data can still be retrieved with SCFonts[fontname], this cannot be used to add members. Since the only piece of code that will generally add members is scfonts.h, this is not a major problem
 CScGTPluginSuper class for all text importer plugins
 CScGTPluginManagerManages the import process
 CScImageCacheDirRepresentation of a directory node in the image cache tree
 CScImageCacheFileRepresentation of a file node in the image cache tree
 CScImageCacheManagerScribus image cache manager
 CScImageCacheProxyScribus image cache proxy
 CScImageCacheWriteActionBracket for write accesses to the image cache
 CScInputDialogA QInputDialog clone with ScrSpinBox widget
 CScLockedFileBase class for locked file access
 CScLockedFileRORead-only locked file access
 CScLockedFileRWRead/write locked file access
 CScMessageBoxThis class provides alternate versions of QMessageBox functions that write to log files when Scribus does not have a GUI. This class is identical to QMessageBox except that provides an optional default batch button. In batch mode, functions return the default batch button when it is not NoButton, otherwise they return the default button when it is not NoButton, otherwise they return one of the standard buttons. If a dialog asks "Are you sure that you want to do this?", the default button can be No to keep users from accidentally destroying data, while the batch button can be Yes to allow scripts to do what they need. This class does not include QMessageBox functions marked obsolete in Qt5. Use non-obsolete functions instead
 CScPersistentPluginA plug-in that is resident for the lifetime of the app
 CScPluginAbstract super class for all Scribus plug-ins
 CScProgressBarA Progress Bar that allows a number (X of Y) style or standard % indicator
 CScribusCoreThe core functions moved from the old ScribusMainWindow class NO WINDOWS NO VIEWS NO DOCS NO PAGEITEMS
 CScribusDocDocument Class
 CScribusMainWindowThis Class is the base class for your application. It sets up the main window and providing a menubar, toolbar and statusbar. For the main view, an instance of class ScribusView is created which creates your view
 CScripterPrefsGuiSubclass of PrefsPanel that's supplied to the prefs dialog for use when showing plugin preferences
 CScrSpinBoxScrSpinBox is a Qt4 replacement for our old ScrSpinBox using Qt3
 CScrSpinBoxPluginA ScrSpinBox plugin for Qt designer
 CScSplashScreenScribus splash screen
 CScTableWidgetPluginA ScTableWidget plugin for Qt designer
 CScTextBrowserPluginA ScTextBrowser plugin for Qt designer
 CSetCharStyle_bodyPageItem StoryText -> PageItem StoryText
 CShapePlugSml importer plugin
 CShortcutWidgetUser defined key-shortcuts for Style Manager dialog
 CShortWordsPluginThis is the Scribus Short Words plugin interface specification
 CSimpleStateSimpleState provides a simple implementation of the UndoState
 CSMAlignSelectPluginA SMScComboBox plugin for Qt designer
 CSMColorComboPluginA SMColorCombo plugin for Qt designer
 CSMFontComboHPluginA SMFontComboH plugin for Qt designer
 CSmlPlugSml importer plugin
 CSMReplaceDiaStyle Manager replace dialog
 CSMRowWidgetStyle Manager: replace one style with another one. A "current--new row" widget
 CSMScComboBoxPluginA SMScComboBox plugin for Qt designer
 CSMScrSpinBoxPluginA SMScrSpinBox plugin for Qt designer
 CSMShadeButtonPluginA SMShadeButton plugin for Qt designer
 CSMSpinBoxPluginA SMSpinBox plugin for Qt designer
 CSMStyleImportImport styles from outer sla document. User can choose what to import and what to do with the style names here
 CSMStyleSelectPluginA SMStyleSelect plugin for Qt designer
 CSMTabrulerPluginA SMTabruler plugin for Qt designer
 CStyleItemRepresents a style type that can be added to the Style Manager
 CSubdividePluginThis is a simple Subdivide" plugin for Scribus 1.3 and later
 CSVGImportPluginA class providing the plugin interface implementation for this plugin
 CSWConfigThis is the Scribus Short Words configuratin specification. Methods of this class read config files and PrefsManager context informations. Preferences GUI is in SWPrefsGui
 CSWDialogGUI dialog for user to make decision. Generated from Qt designer UI file. Later changes by my hands :)
 CSWParseThis is the Scribus Short Words plugin main mechanism
 CSWPrefsGuiThis is the Scribus Short Words plugin configuration widget. Used in Preferences dialog
 CSyntaxColorsStore colors for syntax highligter. It provides defaults, loading and storing preferences
 CSyntaxHighlighterSimple syntax highlighting for Scripter (QTextEdit). Based on the source of the Sqliteman and Qt4 examples. but very simplifier. Improved too (of course). TODO: colors of the higlited texts. User should set the colors in the preferences. Waiting for the new plugin API
 CTransactionStateTransactionState provides a container where multiple UndoStates can be stored
 CUndoGuiUndoGui is a virtual superclass for undo/redo widgets
 CUndoManagerUndoManager handles the undo stack
 CUndoObjectSuperclass for all objects that are wanted to have undoable actions
 CUndoPaletteUndoGui subclass which creates an undo history window
 CUndoStateUndoState describes an undoable state (action)
 CUndoWidgetTool bar buttons with pop up menus for undo and redo
 CUnicodeChooseButtonA special widget to cooperate with UnicodeSearch. Construct a toggle push button. When it's toggled, the search dialog is shown. It is an "apply" button too. Search dialog is constructed on demand only
 CUnicodeSearchSpecial "search for unicode character" dialog. The search string entered by user is searched in character description and in the hex representation (as string) too. See directory ./unicodemap/ for more info
 CUnicodeSearchModelQt4 model for QTableView used in UnicodeSearch dialog. It contains only 2 columns with hex-description pairs/rows of unicode glyphs (loaded from unicodemap/unicodenameslist.txt. Hex and descriptions are stored in QMap description+code/code for performance
 CUniconvImportPluginA class providing the plugin interface implementation for the uniconvertor plugin
 CUnZipPKZip 2.0 file decompression. Compatibility with later versions is not ensured as they may use unsupported compression algorithms. Versions after 2.7 may have an incompatible header format and thus be completely incompatible
 CVisionDefectColorThis code is an implementation of an algorithm described by Hans Brettel, Francoise Vienot and John Mollon in the Journal of the Optical Society of America V14(10), pg 2647. (See for more info.)
 CVivaPlugViva importer plugin
 CVrulerVertical ruler
 CVsdPlugVSD importer plugin
 CWMFImportPluginA class providing the plugin interface implementation for this plugin
 CWpgPlugWPG importer plugin
 CXarPlugXar (Xara) importer plugin
 CXfigPlugXfig importer plugin
 CXpsPlugXps importer plugin
 CXtgScannerClass for scanning and parsing an XPress Tags Document
 CZipZip file compression