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PrefsTable Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 PrefsTable (QString tableName)
QString getName ()
int height ()
int getRowCount ()
int width ()
int getColCount ()
QString get (int row, int col, const QString &defValue="")
void set (int row, int col, const char *value)
void set (int row, int col, const std::string &value)
void set (int row, int col, const QString &value)
int getInt (int row, int col=0, int defValue=-1)
void set (int row, int col, int value)
void set (int row, int col, uint value)
uint getUInt (int row, int col, uint defValue=0)
double getDouble (int row, int col, double defValue=-1.0)
void set (int row, int col, double value)
bool getBool (int row, int col, bool defValue=false)
void set (int row, int col, bool value)
int find (int searchCol, const QString &what)
void removeRow (int colIndex, const QString &what)
void clear ()

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