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ObjStyle Class Reference

Public Attributes

QRectF markerViewBox
QPainterPath markerPath
QString startMarkerName
double startMarkerWidth
bool startMarkerCentered
QString endMarkerName
double endMarkerWidth
bool endMarkerCentered
double stroke_dash_distance
int stroke_dash_dots1
double stroke_dash_dots1_length
int stroke_dash_dots2
double stroke_dash_dots2_length
QString stroke_dash_style
QString dashName
QString CurrColorFill
QString CurrColorStroke
QString CurrColorText
QString CurrColorShadow
double fillOpacity
double strokeOpacity
double LineW
QString fontName
double fontSize
double textIndent
ParagraphStyle::AlignmentType textAlign
QString textPos
QString textOutline
bool textUnderline
bool textUnderlineWords
QString textUnderlineColor
bool textStrikeThrough
bool textShadow
double lineHeight
bool absLineHeight
double margin_top
double margin_bottom
double margin_left
double margin_right
int verticalAlignment
double page_width
double page_height
QString page_layout_name
int fill_type
int stroke_type
double gradientAngle
double gradientBorder
QString gradientEndColor
double gradientEndShade
QString gradientStartColor
double gradientStartShade
double gradientCenterX
double gradientCenterY
QString gradientType
QString gradientName
bool hasShadow
double shadowX
double shadowY
double shadowTrans
double measureDist
QString patternName
QString patternPath
QByteArray patternData
double patternWidth
double patternHeight
double patternX
double patternY
bool patternDim_W_in_Percent
bool patternDim_H_in_Percent
QString patternStretch
QString hatchName
QString hatchColor
double hatchDistance
double hatchRotation
QString hatchStyle
bool hatchSolidFill
QString opacityName
double opacityEnd
double opacityStart

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