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OutlinePalette Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for OutlinePalette:
Collaboration diagram for OutlinePalette:

Public Slots

void BuildTree (bool storeVals=true)
void filterTree (const QString &keyword)
void languageChange ()
void slotShowSelect (uint SNr, PageItem *Nr)
void setPaletteShown (bool)
void slotRightClick (QPoint point)
void setActiveLayer (int layerID)
void setLayerVisible (int layerID)
void setLayerLocked (int layerID)
void setLayerPrintable (int layerID)
- Public Slots inherited from ScDockPalette
virtual void setPaletteShown (bool)
virtual void setFontSize ()


void ToggleAllPalettes ()
void selectElementByItem (PageItem *, bool)
void editElementByItem (PageItem *)
void selectPage (int)
void selectMasterPage (QString)
- Signals inherited from ScDockPalette
void paletteShown (bool)
 Let the action for this palette know when something changes and it hasnt caused it.

Public Member Functions

 OutlinePalette (QWidget *parent)
virtual void changeEvent (QEvent *e)
void setMainWindow (ScribusMainWindow *mw)
void setDoc (ScribusDoc *)
void unsetDoc ()
void reopenTree ()
QTreeWidgetItem * getListItem (int SNr, PageItem *Nr)
void setItemIcon (QTreeWidgetItem *item, PageItem *pgItem)
void parseSubGroup (OutlineTreeItem *object, QList< PageItem * > *subGroupList, int itemType, ScPage *a)
void buildReopenVals ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ScDockPalette
 ScDockPalette (QWidget *parent=NULL, const QString &prefsContext=QString::null, Qt::WindowFlags f=0)
virtual void hide ()
 Sample way to grab keystrokes, simply calls superclass at this point.
void startup ()

Protected Slots

void slotRenameItem ()
void slotDoRename (QTreeWidgetItem *ite, int col)
void slotMultiSelect ()
void slotSelect (QTreeWidgetItem *ite, int col)
void slotDoubleClick (QTreeWidgetItem *ite, int col)

Protected Member Functions

void filterTree ()
void clearPalette ()
void createContextMenu (PageItem *currItem, double mx, double my)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ScDockPalette
virtual void setPrefsContext (QString context)
 Set the Preferences context to be used for storage of startup visibility and position and size.
void storePosition ()
void storePosition (int newX, int newY)
void storeSize ()
void storeVisibility (bool)
void storeDockState ()
virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent *showEvent)
 Restore the geometry of the window when showing it.
virtual void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *closeEvent)
 Captures the close event and changes it to hide.
virtual void hideEvent (QHideEvent *)
 Stores the geometry of the window when hiding.

Protected Attributes

QWidget * containerWidget
QTreeWidgetItem * freeObjects
QTreeWidgetItem * rootObject
QTreeWidgetItem * currentObject
QLabel * filterLabel
QLineEdit * filterEdit
QPixmap imageIcon
QPixmap latexIcon
QPixmap textIcon
QPixmap lineIcon
QPixmap polygonIcon
QPixmap polylineIcon
QPixmap groupIcon
QPixmap tableIcon
QPixmap buttonIcon
QPixmap radiobuttonIcon
QPixmap textFieldIcon
QPixmap checkBoxIcon
QPixmap comboBoxIcon
QPixmap listBoxIcon
QPixmap annotTextIcon
QPixmap annotLinkIcon
QPixmap annot3DIcon
bool selectionTriggered
- Protected Attributes inherited from ScDockPalette
QString prefsContextName
bool visibleOnStartup
QWidget * originalParent
QWidget * tempParent

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