

changeColor("name", c, m, y, k)

Changes the color "name" to the specified CMYK value. The color value is defined via four components c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. Note : deprecated, use changeColorCMYK() instead.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


changeColorCMYK("name", c, m, y, k)

Changes the color "name" to the specified CMYK value. The color value is defined via four components c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


changeColorCMYKFloat("name", c, m, y, k)

Changes the color "name" to the specified CMYK value. The color value is defined via four components c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 100.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


changeColorLab("name", r, g, b)

Changes the color "name" to the specified CIELab values. The color value is defined via three components: L = luminosity, a = green/red, b = blue/yellow. Color components are floating point values with L between 0 and 100, a and b between -128 and 128.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


changeColorRGB("name", r, g, b)

Changes the color "name" to the specified RGB value. The color value is defined via three components r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


changeColorRGBFloat("name", r, g, b)

Changes the color "name" to the specified RGB value. The color value is defined via three components r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 255.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


defineColor("name", c, m, y, k)

Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via four components: c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255. Note : deprecated, use defineColorCMYK() instead.

May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


defineColorCMYK("name", c, m, y, k)

Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via four components: c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255.

May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


defineColorCMYKFloat("name", c, m, y, k)

Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via four components: c = Cyan, m = Magenta, y = Yellow and k = Black. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 100.

May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


defineColorLab("name", L, a, b)

Defines a new color "name" using CIELab values. The color value is defined via three components: L = luminosity, a = green/red, b = blue/yellow. Color components are floating point values with L between 0 and 100, a and b between -128 and 128.

May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


defineColorRGB("name", r, g, b)

Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via three components: r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components should be in the range from 0 to 255.

May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


defineColorRGBFloat("name", r, g, b)

Defines a new color "name". The color Value is defined via three components: r = red, g = green, b = blue. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 255.

May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


deleteColor("name", "replace")

Deletes the color "name". Every occurrence of that color is replaced by the color "replace". If not specified, "replace" defaults to the color "None" - transparent.

deleteColor works on the default document colors if there is no document open. In that case, "replace", if specified, has no effect.

May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


getColor("name") -> tuple

Returns a tuple (C, M, Y, K) containing the four color components of the color "name" from the current document. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


getColorAsRGB("name") -> tuple

Returns a tuple (R,G,B) containing the three color components of the color "name" from the current document, converted to the RGB color space. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


getColorAsRGBFloat("name") -> tuple

Returns a tuple (R,G,B) containing the three color components of the color "name" from the current document, converted to the RGB color space. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 255. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


getColorFloat("name") -> tuple

Returns a tuple (C, M, Y, K) containing the four color components of the color "name" from the current document. Color components are floating point values between 0 and 100. If no document is open, returns the value of the named color from the default document colors.

May raise NotFoundError if the named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


getColorNames() -> list

Returns a list containing the names of all defined colors in the document. If no document is open, returns a list of the default document colors.


isSpotColor("name") -> bool

Returns True if the color "name" is a spot color. See also setSpotColor()

May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


replaceColor("name", "replace")

Every occurrence of the color "name" is replaced by the color "replace".

May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.


setSpotColor("name", spot)

Set the color "name" as a spot color if spot parameter is True. See also isSpotColor()

May raise NotFoundError if a named color wasn't found. May raise ValueError if an invalid color name is specified.