Open source desktop publishing at your fingertips
1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
14 #ifndef _GSUTIL_H
15 #define _GSUTIL_H
17 #include <QMap>
18 #include <QPixmap>
19 #include <QString>
20 #include <QStringList>
22 #include "scribusapi.h"
24 QPixmap SCRIBUS_API LoadPDF(QString fn, int Page, int Size, int *w, int *h);
41 int SCRIBUS_API callGS(const QStringList& args_in, const QString device="", const QString fileStdErr = "", const QString fileStdOut = "");
42 int SCRIBUS_API callGS(const QString& args_in, const QString device="");
43 int SCRIBUS_API convertPS2PS(QString in, QString out, const QStringList& opts, int level);
44 int SCRIBUS_API convertPS2PDF(QString in, QString out, const QStringList& opts);
45 bool SCRIBUS_API testGSAvailability( void );
46 bool SCRIBUS_API testGSAvailability( const QString& gsPath );
47 bool SCRIBUS_API testGSDeviceAvailability( const QString& device );
51 QString SCRIBUS_API getGSVersion();
52 bool SCRIBUS_API getNumericGSVersion(int & major, int & minor);
53 bool SCRIBUS_API getNumericGSVersion(const QString& ver, int&major, int& minor);
54 QString SCRIBUS_API getGSDefaultExeName(void);
55 QMap<int, QString> SCRIBUS_API getGSExePaths(const QString& regKey, bool alternateView = false);
56 #endif