Open source desktop publishing at your fingertips
1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
10 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
11 #include "scconfig.h"
12 #endif
14 #include <cstring>
16 #include <QColor>
17 #include <QString>
18 #include <QList>
19 #include <QSet>
20 #include <QHash>
22 #include "documentinformation.h"
23 #include "pagestructs.h"
24 #include "pdfoptions.h"
25 #include "scfonts.h"
26 #include "scpattern.h"
27 #include "vgradient.h"
30 {
31  CheckerPrefs() {
32  memset(this, 0, sizeof(CheckerPrefs));
33  }
35  bool ignoreErrors;
36  bool autoCheck;
37  bool checkGlyphs;
38  bool checkOverflow;
39  bool checkOrphans;
40  bool checkPictures;
41  bool checkResolution;
42  double minResolution;
43  double maxResolution;
44  bool checkTransparency;
45  bool checkAnnotations;
46  bool checkRasterPDF;
47  bool checkForGIF;
48  bool ignoreOffLayers;
49  bool checkOffConflictLayers; //Check whether layers are marked as visible but not to be printed or vice versa
50  bool checkNotCMYKOrSpot; // colors must be either CMYK or spot (PDF/X-1a)
51  bool checkDeviceColorsAndOutputIntent; // unmanaged colors (device colors) must agree with output intend
52  bool checkFontNotEmbedded; // embedded PDF might use fonts without embedding
53  bool checkFontIsOpenType; // embedded PDF might use OpenType font program (only allowed in PDF/X-4 and PDF 1.6)
54  bool checkPartFilledImageFrames;
55  bool checkOppositePageMaster;
56  bool checkAppliedMasterDifferentSide;
57  bool checkEmptyTextFrames;
58 };
60 typedef QMap<QString, CheckerPrefs> CheckerPrefsList;
63 {
64  CheckerPrefsList checkerPrefsList;
65  bool showPagesWithoutErrors;
66  bool showNonPrintingLayerErrors;
67  QString curCheckProfile;
68 };
70 struct TypoPrefs
71 {
72  int valueSuperScript;
83  inline bool operator==(const TypoPrefs &other)
84  {
85  return (memcmp(this, &other, sizeof(TypoPrefs)) == 0);
86  }
87  inline bool operator!=(const TypoPrefs &other)
88  {
89  return (memcmp(this, &other, sizeof(TypoPrefs)) != 0);
90  }
91 };
94 {
95  WindowPrefs() {
96  xPosition = 0;
97  yPosition = 0;
98  width = 640;
99  height = 480;
100  visible = true;
101  docked = false;
102  maximized = false;
103  }
105  int xPosition;
106  int yPosition;
107  int width;
108  int height;
109  bool visible;
110  bool docked;
111  bool maximized;
112 };
114 //User Interface
115 struct UIPrefs
116 {
117  UIPrefs() {
118  mouseMoveTimeout = 150;
119  wheelJump = 40;
120  applicationFontSize = 12;
121  paletteFontSize = 10;
122  recentDocCount = 5;
123  useSmallWidgets = false;
124  useTabs = false;
125  showStartupDialog = true;
126  showSplashOnStartup = true;
127  stickyTools = false;
128  grayscaleIcons = false;
129  }
131  int mouseMoveTimeout;
132  int wheelJump;
135  QString style;
137  QStringList RecentDocs;
138  QString language;
140  bool useTabs;
143  bool stickyTools;
145  QString iconSet;
147  QByteArray mainWinState;
148 };
150 //Paths
151 struct PathPrefs
152 {
153  QString documents;
154  QString colorProfiles;
155  QString scripts;
157 };
159 //Document Setup
161 {
162  QString pageSize;
164  double pageWidth;
165  double pageHeight;
171  bool AutoSave;
172  int AutoSaveTime;
173  bool saveCompressed;
174 };
176 //Guides
178 {
179  QList<int> renderStackOrder;
180  // render stack id 0 = PageMargins
181  // render stack id 1 = BaselineGrid
182  // render stack id 2 = Grid
183  // render stack id 3 = Guides
184  // render stack id 4 = Items
185  int gridType;
186  // type 0 lines
187  // type 1 crosses and dots
189  int grabRadius;
190  double guideRad;
192  bool guidesShown;
194  bool gridShown;
196  bool framesShown;
199  bool linkShown;
200  bool rulersShown;
207  bool showPic;
208  bool showControls;
209  bool showBleed;
210  bool rulerMode;
214  QColor guideColor;
215  QColor marginColor;
216  QColor majorGridColor;
217  QColor minorGridColor;
219 };
222 {
223  /* Texttool */
224  QString textFont;
225  int textSize;
226  QString textColor;
227  int textShade;
228  QString textStrokeColor;
230  QString textFillColor;
231  QString textLineColor;
235  double textColumnGap;
236  QString textTabFillChar;
238  double textTabWidth;
239  /* ShapeTool */
240  QString shapeLineColor;
241  QString shapeFillColor;
245  double shapeLineWidth;
246  /* Line Tool */
247  QString lineColor;
249  double lineWidth;
250  int lineStyle;
253  /* Regular Polygon Tool */
255  double polyFactor;
257  double polyRotation;
258  double polyInnerRot;
259  double polyCurvature;
261  /* Image Tool */
262  QString imageFillColor;
266  double imageScaleX;
267  double imageScaleY;
272  /* Calligraphic Pen Tool */
281  /* Arc Tool */
282  double arcStartAngle;
283  double arcSweepAngle;
284  /* Spiral Tool */
286  double spiralEndAngle;
287  double spiralFactor;
288 };
291 {
292  /* Magnifier Tool */
293  int magMin;
294  int magMax;
295  int magStep;
296  /* Item Duplicate Offset */
297  double dispX;
298  double dispY;
299  /* Rotation Tool constrain value */
300  double constrain;
301 };
304 {
305  int MinWordLen;
306  int HyCount;
307  QString Language;
308  QHash<QString, QString> specialWords;
309  QSet<QString> ignoredWords;
310  bool Automatic;
311  bool AutoCheck;
312 };
314 struct FontPrefs
315 {
316  SCFonts AvailFonts;
318  QMap<QString,QString> GFontSub;
319 };
322 {
323  QString PrinterName;
324  QString PrinterFile;
325  QString PrinterCommand;
326  bool ClipMargin;
327  bool GCRMode;
328 };
331 {
332  ColorList DColors;
333  QString DColorSet;
334  CMSData DCMSset;
335 };
338 {
339  ObjAttrVector defaultItemAttributes;
340 };
342 struct TOCPrefs
343 {
344  ToCSetupVector defaultToCSetups;
345 };
348 {
349  QMap<QString,Keys> KeyActions;
350 };
353 {
354  QStringList RecentScrapbooks;
356  bool doCopyToScrapbook;
359 };
362 {
363  bool marginColored;
365  QColor paperColor;
366  QColor scratchColor;
367  QColor frameColor;
368  QColor frameNormColor;
370  QColor frameLinkColor;
371  QColor frameLockColor;
380  double displayScale;
383 };
386 {
387  QString gs_exe;
394  QStringList latexConfigs;
395  QMap<QString, QString> latexCommands;
396  QString latexEditorExecutable;
399  bool latexStartWithEmptyFrames;
400  QString pdfViewerExecutable;
401 };
404 {
405  bool haveStylePreview;
407  // lorem ipsum
410 };
413 {
414  QColor guiFontColorBackground;
415  QString guiFont;
417 };
420 {
421  bool PrPr_Mode;
422  bool PrPr_AntiAliasing;
423  bool PrPr_Transparency;
424  bool PrPr_C;
425  bool PrPr_M;
426  bool PrPr_Y;
427  bool PrPr_K;
428  bool PrPr_InkCoverage;
429  int PrPr_InkThreshold;
430 };
433 {
434 };
437 {
438 };
441 {
442 };
444 // Image Cache
446 {
451 };
454 {
455  ColorPrefs colorPrefs;
456  DisplayPrefs displayPrefs;
457  DocumentSetupPrefs docSetupPrefs;
458  ExternalToolsPrefs extToolPrefs;
459  FontPrefs fontPrefs;
460  GuidesPrefs guidesPrefs;
461  HyphenatorPrefs hyphPrefs;
462  ImageCachePrefs imageCachePrefs;
463  ItemAttrPrefs itemAttrPrefs;
464  ItemToolPrefs itemToolPrefs;
465  KeyboardShortcutsPrefs keyShortcutPrefs;
466  MiscellaneousPrefs miscPrefs;
467  OperatorToolPrefs opToolPrefs;
468  PDFOptions pdfPrefs;
469  PathPrefs pathPrefs;
470  PluginPrefs pluginPrefs;
471  PrintPreviewPrefs printPreviewPrefs;
472  PrinterPrefs printerPrefs;
473  ScrapbookPrefs scrapbookPrefs;
474  ScripterPrefs scripterPrefs;
475  ShortWordPrefs shortwordPrefs;
476  StoryEditorPrefs storyEditorPrefs;
477  TOCPrefs tocPrefs;
478  TypoPrefs typoPrefs;
479  UIPrefs uiPrefs;
480  VerifierPrefs verifierPrefs;
482  QList<ArrowDesc> arrowStyles;
483  QHash<QString, VGradient> defaultGradients;
484  QHash<QString, ScPattern> defaultPatterns;
485  QList<PageSet> pageSets;
486  QStringList activePageSizes;
490  //TODO : Remove these no longer used items
492  QString ui_SystemTheme;
493  // bool Gcr_Mode;
495  //Added for Doc Only
496  DocumentInformation docInfo;
497  DocumentSectionMap docSectionMap;
498 };
501 {
502  QString path;
503  QString baseName;
504  QString license;
505  QString author;
506  QString activeversion;
507  QMap<QString, QString> nameTranslations;
508 };
511 #endif
QColor controlCharColor
Color of page border (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:374
bool rulersShown
Show text frame links or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:200
int applicationFontSize
Distance to jump with mouse wheel scrolling.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:133
Definition: prefsstructs.h:453
QString imageEditorExecutable
Resolution of Ghostscript rendered graphics.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:391
QString textFillColor
Default text stroke color shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:230
Definition: prefsstructs.h:151
Definition: prefsstructs.h:436
double calligraphicPenLineWidth
Default calligrapicPen line shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:277
Definition: prefsstructs.h:177
QString imageStrokeColor
Default shade of fill color of an image grame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:264
QColor frameLinkColor
Color of border of grouped frames (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:370
double spiralEndAngle
angle where the spiral starts
Definition: prefsstructs.h:286
MarginStruct margins
Height of a page.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:166
QString language
List of recent documents.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:138
double pageWidth
Default orientation of the page.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:164
int gs_Resolution
Tell Ghostscript to antialias graphics or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:390
bool showPic
Offset of first line of baseline grid from top of page.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:207
bool AutoSave
The index of the default unit.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:171
Definition: prefsstructs.h:62
bool imageScaleType
Y scale of an image within an image frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:268
int magMax
Magnification minimum.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:294
Definition: prefsstructs.h:29
QString extBrowserExecutable
Editor for graphics, defaults to Gimp.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:392
Pagemargins and bleeds.
Definition: margins.h:25
bool showAutosaveClockOnCanvas
Show preflight verifier warnings on canvas.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:382
double arcStartAngle
Line style of the calligraphics Brush.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:282
bool useTabs
Use small widgets in the palettes.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:140
QString Language
Maximum number of consecutive rows to hyphenate.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:307
QString textLineColor
Default text frame fill color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:231
bool persistentScrapbook
When copying (copy/paste), also copy to a scrapbook.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:357
int scalingSuperScript
Displacement of superscript.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:73
QColor paperColor
Show a shadow around the pages.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:365
MarginStruct textDistances
Default tab fill character.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:237
QString ui_SystemTheme
System default QStyle name for current instance, seemingly unused.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:492
QString colorProfiles
Default document location.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:154
double spiralStartAngle
angle the arc spans
Definition: prefsstructs.h:285
QString iconSet
Show icons in toolbars as grayscale.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:145
int textFillColorShade
Default text frame line color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:232
QColor pageBorderColor
Color of annotation frames border (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:373
bool smartTextSelection
Font of the text used in the Story Editor window.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:416
bool showToolTips
Color of control characters in text frames if they are shown (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:375
double dispX
Default step between magnification levels.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:297
Definition: prefsstructs.h:70
int textSize
Default font for text frames, should be default font for default style.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:225
int textColumns
Default text frame line shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:234
int imageLowResType
Use stored aspect ratio for the image.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:270
int compressionLevel
Cache image compression level (see QImage)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:450
Definition: prefsstructs.h:221
Definition: prefsstructs.h:500
bool grayscaleIcons
Whether a user's tool section remains after use or the normal tool is reselected. ...
Definition: prefsstructs.h:144
double valueBaselineGrid
Minor grid spacing.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:204
Definition: prefsstructs.h:93
bool showMouseCoordinates
Show tool tips in the GUI or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:376
int lineStyle
Width of line.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:250
QStringList latexConfigs
Uniconverter executable location.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:394
int marginPreset
Bleeds for a page.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:168
Definition: prefsstructs.h:432
bool linkShown
Show a layer indicator when layers are active or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:199
QColor minorGridColor
Color of major grid.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:217
bool baselineGridShown
Show the grid or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:195
int autoLineSpacing
Scaling of small caps.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:77
int lineColorShade
Color of a line.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:248
QString calligraphicPenFillColor
Use embedded path, eg from an EPS etc.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:273
double polyRotation
Whether to use a factor for shaping.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:257
QMap< QString, QString > GFontSub
Request that the user confirms a font substituion or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:318
bool showStartupDialog
Use a tabbed MainWidget a la FireFox.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:141
bool colBordersShown
Show frame borders or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:197
QColor marginColor
Color of guides.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:215
double lineWidth
Shade of line color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:249
int pagePositioning
Use a preset ratio margin setup.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:169
double displayScale
Vertical gap between pages.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:380
double minorGridSpacing
Major grid spacing.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:203
bool Automatic
List of words the hyphenator ignores.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:310
bool useStandardLI
Show previews in the Style setup areas like Style Manager.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:408
Definition: sccolor.h:155
bool useSmallWidgets
Language of the user interface.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:139
int docUnitIndex
Show pages in 1,2,3,4 pages side by side on screen.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:170
int valueUnderlineWidth
Underline displacement.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:79
Definition: prefsstructs.h:412
Definition: documentinformation.h:28
int calligraphicPenFillColorShade
Default calligrapicPen line color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:275
QString PrinterFile
Default Printer name (source from CUPS)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:324
int magStep
Magnification maximum.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:295
QString shapeFillColor
Default shape line color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:241
Definition: prefsstructs.h:303
bool showSplashOnStartup
Whether to show the startup dialog or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:142
bool gs_AntiAliasGraphics
Tell Ghostscript to antialias text or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:389
bool showPageShadow
Indicates if the margin to edge of page area will be colored in some other color or not...
Definition: prefsstructs.h:364
int maxCacheEntries
Maximum number of cache entries.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:449
QColor frameColor
Color of scratch space (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:367
QColor frameGroupColor
Color of normal frame border (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:369
double shapeLineWidth
Line style of shapes.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:245
QColor majorGridColor
Color of margins.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:216
int valueSmallCaps
Scaling of subscript.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:76
int lineEndArrow
Starting arrow, 0 = none.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:252
Definition: prefsstructs.h:115
int shapeFillColorShade
Default shape fill color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:242
int latexResolution
LaTeX executable location.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:397
bool marginsShown
Show the guides or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:193
int HyCount
Minimum word length to hyphenate.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:306
bool ClipMargin
Special printer command to use.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:326
bool gs_AntiAliasText
Location on the system of the Ghostscript interpreter (gs, gswin32c.exe, etc) incl path...
Definition: prefsstructs.h:388
int imageFillColorShade
Default fill color of an image frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:263
Definition: prefsstructs.h:314
int valueStrikeThruWidth
Strike-through displacement.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:81
bool showVerifierWarningsOnCanvas
Display scale, typically used to set the scale of the display to 100% of real values.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:381
Definition: prefsstructs.h:440
WindowPrefs mainWinSettings
Icon set name.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:146
bool writePreviews
Keep the scrapbook contents between sessions.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:358
QString scripts
Default color profile location.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:155
double calligraphicPenWidth
Angle of the calligraphics Brush.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:279
int valueSubScript
Scaling of superscript.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:74
int maxCacheSizeMiB
Maximum total size of image cache in MiB.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:448
double textColumnGap
Default number of columns in a text frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:235
Definition: prefsstructs.h:330
QString PrinterCommand
File to print to.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:325
QHash< QString, QString > specialWords
Language to use for hyphenation.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:308
QString textColor
Default font size.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:226
QSet< QString > ignoredWords
List of special words to hyphenate.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:309
Definition: prefsstructs.h:290
Definition: prefsstructs.h:385
double imageScaleY
X scale of an image within an image frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:267
double pageGapVertical
Horizontal gap between pages.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:379
bool askBeforeSubstitute
Fonts that Scribus has available to it, or the current document has available to use.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:317
int pageOrientation
Default page size of a document.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:163
PDF Options struture. Capable of verifying its self, but otherwise largely a dumb struct...
Definition: pdfoptions.h:37
int paragraphsLI
Use the standard Lorem Ipsum text.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:409
double polyCurvature
Rotation of the inner points of a star.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:259
int calligraphicPenStyle
Width of the calligraphics Brush.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:280
QString textStrokeColor
Default text color shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:228
QString documentTemplates
Default script location.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:156
bool imageAspectRatio
Scale type of image.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:269
int shapeLineStyle
Default shape line color shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:244
QStringList RecentDocs
Number of recent documents to remember.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:137
int valueUnderlinePos
Automatic line spacing percentage.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:78
int textStrokeShade
Default text stroke color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:229
MarginStruct scratch
Show mouse coordinates when interaction with frames.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:377
Definition: prefsstructs.h:419
bool latexForceDpi
LaTeX export resolution.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:398
double imageScaleX
Default shade of stroke color of an image grame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:266
Definition: prefsstructs.h:361
bool polyUseFactor
Convex/Concave factor as a double.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:256
bool GCRMode
When printing, clip the print job to the margins.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:327
int wheelJump
Mouse move timeout for move/resize operations.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:132
QString textTabFillChar
Default gap between columns of a text frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:236
int imageStrokeColorShade
Default stroke color of an image frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:265
int calligraphicPenLineColorShade
Default calligrapicPen fill shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:276
double textTabWidth
Default text to frame distances.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:238
QString lineColor
Line width of shape.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:247
int scalingSubScript
Displacement of subscript.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:75
double spiralFactor
angle where the spiral ends
Definition: prefsstructs.h:287
MarginStruct bleeds
Margins for a page.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:167
QString calligraphicPenLineColor
Default calligrapicPen fill color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:274
bool operator==(const TypoPrefs &other)
Strike-through line width.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:83
Definition: prefsstructs.h:352
Definition: prefsstructs.h:403
Definition: prefsstructs.h:321
Definition: prefsstructs.h:337
int shapeLineColorShade
Default shape fill color shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:243
int paletteFontSize
Font size to use in the application, apart from pßalettes.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:134
int polyCorners
Ending arrow, 0 = none.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:254
Definition: prefsstructs.h:347
bool framesShown
Show the baseline grid or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:196
int numScrapbookCopies
List of recently used scrapbooks.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:355
double polyFactor
Number of corners for a polygon.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:255
double arcSweepAngle
angle where the arc starts
Definition: prefsstructs.h:283
QColor frameNormColor
Color of frame border (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:368
double pageHeight
Width of a page.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:165
double offsetBaselineGrid
Baseline grid spacing.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:205
QString guiFont
Color of the background for text used in the Story Editor window.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:415
bool layerMarkersShown
Show text frame column borders or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:198
bool gridShown
Show the margins or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:194
double majorGridSpacing
Show the page rulers or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:202
int valueStrikeThruPos
Underline width.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:80
QString imageFillColor
outer Curvature of polygon
Definition: prefsstructs.h:262
Definition: prefsstructs.h:445
int textShade
Default text color.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:227
QString shapeLineColor
Default tab width.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:240
Defines class PDFOptions, used for loading/saving/passing around PDF options.
QColor scratchColor
Color of paper (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:366
double pageGapHorizontal
Scratch space distances.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:378
QString uniconvExecutable
External browser for launching URLs in.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:393
bool stickyTools
Whether to show the splashscreen or not.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:143
double polyOuterCurvature
Curvature of polygon.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:260
Main class SCFonts. Subclass of QDict. This class replaces the previous SCFonts typedef...
Definition: scfonts.h:36
QColor frameLockColor
Color of frame link indicators (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:371
int lineStartArrow
Style of line.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:251
QColor frameAnnotationColor
Color of locked frame border (onscreen only)
Definition: prefsstructs.h:372
Definition: scribusstructs.h:102
double calligraphicPenAngle
Width of line.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:278
QString style
Font size to use in the palettes.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:135
QColor baselineGridColor
Color of minor grid.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:218
bool imageUseEmbeddedPath
Preview type for an image frame.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:271
Definition: prefsstructs.h:342
double polyInnerRot
Rotation of a polygon.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:258
bool cacheEnabled
Enable the image cache.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:447
int recentDocCount
Currently used QStyle name.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:136
int textLineColorShade
Default text frame fill shade.
Definition: prefsstructs.h:233
Definition: prefsstructs.h:160