Open source desktop publishing at your fingertips
1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 #ifndef GUIAPP_H
8 #define GUIAPP_H
10 // Brings in <Python.h> first
11 #include "cmdvar.h"
16 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_messagebartext__doc__,
17 QT_TR_NOOP("messagebarText(\"string\")\n\
18 \n\
19 Writes the \"string\" into the Scribus message bar (status line). The text\n\
20 must be UTF8 encoded or 'unicode' string(recommended).\n\
21 "));
26 PyObject *scribus_messagebartext(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject* args);
29 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_progressreset__doc__,
30 QT_TR_NOOP("progressReset()\n\
31 \n\
32 Cleans up the Scribus progress bar previous settings. It is called before the\n\
33 new progress bar use. See progressSet.\n\
34 "));
35 /*
36 Progressbar handling
37 (Petr Vanek 02/19/04)
38 */
39 PyObject *scribus_progressreset(PyObject * /*self*/);
42 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_progresssettotalsteps__doc__,
43 QT_TR_NOOP("progressTotal(max)\n\
44 \n\
45 Sets the progress bar's maximum steps value to the specified number.\n\
46 See progressSet.\n\
47 "));
48 PyObject *scribus_progresssettotalsteps(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject* args);
51 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_progresssetprogress__doc__,
52 QT_TR_NOOP("progressSet(nr)\n\
53 \n\
54 Set the progress bar position to \"nr\", a value relative to the previously set\n\
55 progressTotal. The progress bar uses the concept of steps; you give it the\n\
56 total number of steps and the number of steps completed so far and it will\n\
57 display the percentage of steps that have been completed. You can specify the\n\
58 total number of steps with progressTotal(). The current number of steps is set\n\
59 with progressSet(). The progress bar can be rewound to the beginning with\n\
60 progressReset(). [based on info taken from Trolltech's Qt docs]\n\
61 "));
62 PyObject *scribus_progresssetprogress(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject* args);
65 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_setcursor__doc__,
66 QT_TR_NOOP("setCursor()\n\
67 \n\
68 [UNSUPPORTED!] This might break things, so steer clear for now.\n\
69 "));
74 PyObject *scribus_setcursor(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject* args);
77 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_docchanged__doc__,
78 QT_TR_NOOP("docChanged(bool)\n\
79 \n\
80 Enable/disable save icon in the Scribus icon bar and the Save menu item. It's\n\
81 useful to call this procedure when you're changing the document, because Scribus\n\
82 won't automatically notice when you change the document using a script.\n\
83 "));
88 PyObject *scribus_docchanged(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject* args);
90 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_zoomdocument__doc__,
91 QT_TR_NOOP("zoomDocument(double)\n\
92 \n\
93 Zoom the document in main GUI window. Actions have whole number\n\
94 values like 20.0, 100.0, etc. Zoom to Fit uses -100 as a marker.\n\
95 "));
100 PyObject *scribus_zoomdocument(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject* args);
102 PyDoc_STRVAR(scribus_scrolldocument__doc__,
103 QT_TR_NOOP("scrollDocument(x,y)\n\
104 \n\
105 Scroll the document in main GUI window by x and y.\n\
106 "));
107 /*
108  * Gives the possibility to scroll the document.
109  * 13.12.2007: Joachim Neu
110  */
111 PyObject *scribus_scrolldocument(PyObject*, PyObject* args);
113 #endif